Travel Insurance

Ultramarathon Travel Insurance

Ultramarathon Travel Insurance

Do you love running marathons? Then maybe it's time to step your game up a notch and run an ultramarathon. Ultramarathons are the pinnacle of distance racing. But their massive courses will push your body to its limits. So, first and foremost, it's important that you only attempt an ultramarathon if you are in peak physical condition.

Running an ultramarathon is a risky endeavor. But you can prepare yourself for it by securing your finances with hazardous sports travel insurance. This will help ensure coverage for medical treatment for any accidents or injuries you may face, no matter where you are.

Travel Insurance for Ultramarathons

Ultramarathons are held all over the world. You will have to travel if you want to compete. You will need a thorough medical checkup both before and after running an ultramarathon. But not all standard travel insurance plans cover the higher-than-average risks of an extreme sport like ultramarathon running. Securing yourself with hazardous sports travel insurance can help make sure you get prompt treatment without stacking up a massive medical bill. Be sure to read the fine print so you have the appropriate hazardous activity insurance coverage, and click purchase before you put on your running shoes.

Basics of Ultramarathons

Marathons started in ancient Greece. As per the legend, a Greek messenger ran from the town of Marathon to Athens without stopping to deliver the news of victory over Persians. The distance was about 26.2 miles (42.195 km). This set the standard distance for a regular marathon, and an ultramarathon is any running race with a distance longer than that. The first organized ultramarathon, called the “Bunion Derby”, was in 1928, when 300 people attempted to cross 3,455 miles (about 5,560 kilometers) of cross-country tracks.

Ultramarathons are a testament to human will and endurance. As such, they are quite risky. If you push your body to be in motion for hours (and sometimes days) on end, it is bound to start breaking down. In most ultramarathons, there are support stations placed along the trail, but they are few and far between. So, if you injure yourself or fall sick, you will have to deal with it by yourself until you reach a checkpoint.

Unlike regular marathons, ultramarathons are not held in the city. Being out in nature will uplift your mood, but it also increases the risks. Running for 100 miles (about 161 km) through rough wooded trails, elevation changes, and inclement weather can wear you down both psychologically and physically. A lot of ultramarathon runners report everything from hallucinations to stress fractures.

Running for days at a time means you have to carry your food and water. This adds a survival element to an already risky sport. If you run out of food or water in between checkpoints, then you will have no way to supplement it. You will have to carefully select your food to replenish your sodium levels. Eating on the run can also cause digestive problems.

Risks of Running Ultramarathons

Ultramarathons are a high-risk extreme sport. Common health issues are blurred vision, loss of toenails, digestive distress, ankle sprains, stress fractures, bruises, and cuts. Long-distance running can cause cardiac fluctuations and breathing problems. It also has psychological impacts. Runners report periods of a euphoric rush followed by crippling depression. This is a way of your brain trying to put on the brakes so that your body can rest. Hallucinations are also not uncommon.

Secure yourself with ultramarathon adventure sports travel insurance to minimize the financial strain caused by your injuries.