StudentSecure Select Insurance

Student Secure Select Insurance Plan

StudentSecure Select Insurance

Student Secure Select insurance is an optimal international student insurance as well as exchange visitors insurance for international students and exchange visitors in the US. StudentSecure Select insurance is suitable for the students that are looking for low out of pocket expenses and traveling to the US on an F-1 or a J-1 visa. For any international student or scholar that intends to play intercollegiate, interscholastic, intramural, or club athletics, this is an appropriate plan to meet your needs.

Many US schools offer their own student health plan to domestic and international students. However, their plan can be very expensive and may include coverages that many international students don't need. Moreover, it may not include emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains coverage, these can be valuable benefits to international students and their families.

StudentSecure Select insurance allows the option to make a flexible lump sum payment or a monthly payment, which can be very useful to international students.

Student Secure Select insurance can help you significantly reduce your out of pocket costs if you were to become sick or injured while in the US.

Most US schools require the insurance waiver form to be completed in order to waive the mandate of purchasing the insurance through school. After purchasing StudentSecure Select insurance, you should complete your school's insurance waiver form, and then send it to us. We will have the remaining portion completed, signed, and returned to you promptly so that you can register for your classes.

StudentSecure Select insurance plan has the following benefits:

Overall Policy Maximum


It has important coverages for hospital room and board, ICU, outpatient treatment including prescription drugs, mental health disorders, and more.


$35/incident within PPO network, outside the US, or at the student health center. Otherwise, $70/incident.


After you pay the deductible, it pays 80% to $5,000 in eligible expenses and 100% to policy maximum.

Local Ambulance

$750/incident if hospitalized as inpatient

Pre-Existing Conditions Waiting Period

6 months

Emergency Medical Evacuation


Repatriation of Remains


StudentSecure® Select

Underwriter: Lloyd's

Coverage Availability 1 Month to 4 Years


Within PPO network: After copayments, plan pays 80% up to $25,000, then 100% up to the policy maximum.
Outside PPO network: Pays Usual, Reasonable, and Customary to policy maximum.
Outside US: After copayments, plan pays 100% to policy maximum.

Direct Billing

  • $300,000
  • $50,000
  • Included