Patriot International Lite Group Insurance

Quotes & Purchase: Individual Group
Patriot International Lite Group Insurance

Patriot International Lite Group is a travel medical insurance for groups of 5 or more persons traveling outside USA, either US citizens, non-Citizens, or any combination thereof.

Patriot International Lite Group travel insurance is underwritten by SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation, who is rated A- "Excellent" by A.M. Best.

Patriot International Lite Group insurance provides the same coverage as the Patriot International Lite Insurance, but is 10% cheaper.

Patriot International Lite Group has the various policy maximums, ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000, along with deductible choices ranging from $0 to $2,500.

You can purchase Patriot International Lite Group insurance online on this website. Each insured would receive a separate insurance ID card.

Patriot International Lite Group plan is compliant Schengen Visa Insurance.

You can compare Patriot International Lite Group Insurance with other international group travel medical insurance plans at international group travel medical insurance comparison.

Patriot International Lite Group insurance provides the coverage for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) just like any other eligible medical condition that occurs after the effective date of the policy.

Plan Details

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