"My insurance uses the (Aetna Open Choice PPO Network or Cigna) and I found your name on the network search directory."
"I have Allstate insurance" or "I use Allstate Network" or "I have Allstate STM insurance" or "I have Insubuy insurance"
Providers WILL NOT recognize this language, and your insurance may not be accepted.
Make sure to present your insurance ID card, and NOT other documents such as business card or certificate wording.
When you go in the network, there will be network negotiated fees for eligible expenses. You can also go out of the network but there would be no network negotiated fees. Direct billing depends on the provider. All your claims will be handled by Allstate Health Solutions in the USA. You never have to contact the carrier for any purpose whatsoever.
When you go in the network, there will be network negotiated fees for eligible expenses. You can also go out of the network but there would be no network negotiated fees. Direct billing depends on the provider. All your claims will be handled by Allstate Health Solutions in the USA. You never have to contact the carrier for any purpose whatsoever.